Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm back! Long Time Overdue!! Halloween Edition

I'm back!  I wish I could say I was off swimming with the sea life in Bora Bora.  However, I've been listening to a lot of 80s Rap music courtesy of the Klopek's next door.  At least they have decent taste in music, but I am burned out on Run DMC!
That being said, we are fast approaching a holiday known to most as Halloween.  To those in Third World countries, it is known as WTF night!!  While parents in those nations are scrounging to put food on their tables, children here in the states have the potential to bring back two pillowcases full of teeth-rotting surgary delights.  Although, I must say that the times are quite different.  When I was a kid, we were out trick-or-treating from about 5pm until 2am.  One year I brought back 3 pillowcases full.  When one bag would fill up, I'd stop by home and my Dad would go through my candy do make sure some psycho didn't put a razor blade in a Kit-Kat.  I knew the houses that gave away full-size candy bars.  My friends and I would bring an extra scary mask just so we could hit up those homes twice!  We also knew which homes gave away baggies of 10 pennies each.  That's bullshit if you ask me.  And, of course I avoided Dr. (his name shall be left out for his own protection), our neighborhood dentist who gave away toothbrushes.  TOOTHBRUSHES!!  It was bad enough that I had to have him as a neighbor, let alone being so cheap not to go out and buy candy to give away.  He just raided his toothbrush closet at work and brought them all home.  Lame.  There would be so many kids going door-to-door that cars wouldn't be able to drive down the street.  It was a different time.  An innocent time.  Nowadays, kids have to worry about getting beat up for their candy.  How I long for a return to the innocence of my youth.  

In conjunction with Halloween, we in the Detroit area have another holiday tradition.  The night before Halloween is known as Devil's Night.  For us in the suburbs, it consisted of going out late with friends and throwing eggs and/or T-P-ing the neighborhood douchebag or curmudgeon.  Simple.  It was all in good fun.  However, in Detroit proper, they had a different idea of Devil's Night.  There, it consisted of arson.  Literally.  And I'm not talking about some small fire in a metal trash can.  I'm talking about burning down homes and abandoned buildings.  (If you think I'm kidding, SEE PHOTO ABOVE).  Cars would be pushed over.  Gunshots are heard throughout the city.  But, in the late 90s, the city took major steps to curb these criminal incidents.  Now, instead of 100 structures being destroyed, there are a measly 2 or 3 structures burned and destroyed.  What is this world coming to, I ask!?  Just as it was tradition for me to throw eggs at Mr. Mean Neighbor's house, so too should the tradition of arson live amongst the people of Detroit.  This entire turn of events started when kids had to start wearing helmets while riding their bikes.  I rode my bike without a helmet.  And, yes, I tumbled and fell off plenty of times.  I even had a concussion which left me temporary paralyzed on the left side of my body.  But I survived and ended up normal (to most people's standards).  So what if I could only turn right for 3 months.  Or omitted all vowels from my speech for 13 months.  Or thought that it was 1914 for 3 years in a row.  I'm fine now and all the better for my childhood experiences.  We're heading for disaster when our children can't be children.  Now, I'm not advocating setting fire to homes, except that of my neighbors, the Klopek's (but that's an entirely different story).  I am saying that kids should be kids and run free, explore, build forts, set fire to ants with a magnifying glass, experiment with hallucinogens, and read the Magna Carta, as all children wish they had the right to do.

Just something to think about.  
Something else to think about...
What is your favorite Halloween costume of all time?  Mine, you ask?  Well, I would have to say that my favorite Halloween costume ever was the "Used Mattress Salesman".  I will look for a picture and scan it and add it to this article soon.  
Until then, I wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, and FUN Halloween.  Also check out the pic above of my pumpkin I carved last night.  He's missing his teeth in honor of all the children that will get cavities this year from all the candy they will eat! :)

Monday, October 13, 2008


The latest update.  I bought 2 black t-shirts, a space heater, and a Pur water filter from Target today.  Me love me some Target.

More to come...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


...and I'm not talking about the movie.  Although....

So I was driving down Silverlake Boulevard today and some BEEYATCH nearly pulled right into the side of my car.  (*NOTE: This wouldn't be the first time this has happened to me here in L.A.)  As I veered into oncoming traffic to avoid being hit, I immediately slammed on my horn.  The only problem was there was no horn.  Nothing.  Just the sweet sounds of Tony Orlando pumping out of my kickin' sound system. 

I then carted my fine ass over to Auto Zone to purchase a new #15 fuse for the "horn" section.  After inserting the male end into the female end, I was ready to test out the goods.  However, again...NO F#&%in' HORN!  


Sure, I can flip off the offending douchebags.  I can even hold the phone up to my ear to pretend I am calling the police.  (No, wait, I can't even do that with this new earpiece only crap).  I can roll down my window and yell at the morons, but then I risk having something thrown at my mug.  

So what do I do?  Do I just sit back and let these SHIT-AY drivers hit me?  My brother suggested I get a blow-horn and dig into that when the occasion calls for it.  Not a bad idea, but with my luck it will be on the back sill with my box of tissue where I can't reach.  

Perhaps it's simply time to purchase a gun.


1. Too much salad on a plate that is too little.
2. Speed bumps.
3. Unfriendly and unhelpful sales associates (CVS...I'm talkin' to you!).
4. When street parkers leave just enough space so my car WON'T fit into the spot in front or behind them.
5. The Klopek's dogs.
6. People with big hair who sit directly in front of me at the movie theatre.
7. AT&T.  Enough said.
8. Glendale.
9. When I have food in my teeth and my "friends" neglect to tell me.
10. Suede referring to himself as Suede.  Not necessary.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Freaks and Geeks

So I'm sitting here at my local coffee house minding my own business taking pictures with my camera phone of the oddities that seep through the door and low-and-behold, I am greeted with the above.  I can't quite tell if that is Christian from last season's Project Runway or vintage Superman?  I wish I had been able to take a better picture of his glasses because they were circa 70s Burt Reynolds.  And who is that next to our super-hero?  A tall John Waters if you ask me.  Or--and PG, you'll appreciate this--there is a slight resemblance to "Kane" from POLTERGEIST 2.  "Carol Anne"! 

Bottom line: both are frightening!  Terrifying really.  What age do we live in where a law-abiding citizen can't go people-watching without being scared shitless?  So what if I am sitting a bit too close to the man next to me just so I can read his emails?  It's my right.  I should be able to enjoy the delectable sweetness of my iced vanilla latte without feeling like I'm about to open a door to the Twilight Zone.

So, as I sit here, huddling in a corner around my computer so these freaks and geeks can't see what I'm typing, I ask you...

Do you want to live in a society where people like Kane and Superman can order a drink from the same establishment as you and I? 

Or would you like to live in a society where those who are less fortunate in looks and fashion have to submit to making their own lattes at their own home and on their own time?  

I propose to bring this issue forth when I announce my candidacy for just being awesome.  And since I am the only one running, I believe, therefore, I am already crowned victor!  

Thursday, August 21, 2008



I know what you're thinking.  You're jealous.  And, yes, for good reason.  After we went deer huntin', we were able to sit back and relax to a few Natty Lights, a shot of derlicious Jack Daniels, and listen to Ted Nugent's Greatest Hits.  There might have been a shotgun hung from the inside of the rear window, but I'll never tell.  And to answer your question...Yes, those are twenty-twos, aka DUBS.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On Land Figure Skating in 2012

Welcome to my first ever blog.  (This first post I would like to dedicate to Lolo.) 

Let me first talk about my latest obsession.  The Olympics.  I can't get enough.  I will watch any event.  I may need a 12-step program to help me when they end.  

However, I would like to submit that a new event be added in 4 years.  That event:  On-land figure skating.  I know a woman--we'll call her J Cleezy--who is favored to win.  She is light on her feet.  (See the above photo.  All that while drinking a frozen margarita from a blue-rimmed 'Magic Bullet' cup).  

Check out that form!  I would give her a solid 10.  I would be known as the judge from the nation of Historic Filipinotown.

She would do for the sport of On-land Figure Skating what Tim Gunn has done for the world of fashion.  

Speaking of fashion...


I am so happy that weird Daniel was sent to pack up his space.  If I had to watch him twitch one more time I might have actually got off my chair to turn off the TV.  (The batteries went in my remote control and I've been too lazy to purchase new ones).  So long Daniel.  

I think next week the designers should create an outfit worthy of J Cleezy and her quest for gold in 2012.  

PS ~ Gridz is annoyed by Suede.